Capitalism is NOT on the side of small businesses or lower end millionaires. Small business owners are stepped on and screwed by the same system as the middle/working class.
Capitalism is about using wealth to take out your competition and create monopolies around industries.

Collectivism is all about increasing capital ownership and wealth to more people. Having more small biz instead of corporations, profit sharing ,etc NOT giving “free stuff” 1/
For example, think about how many more college grads could start businesses if their debt was cancelled and theirs and their employee health insurance covered by #M4A

More spread out wealth=more people spending money= better economy
The idea that collective policies = taking your freedom is insane

Unless parents have $ you have no freedom in capitalism. You have to become a wave slave and live month to month. Can’t quit your job if it’s toxic cuz you’ll lose healthcare.

Socialism = capitalism 4 ALL
Just look at the tweet that started this thread.

Boeing, stock market: $1.5 trillion overnight

Small biz, individual: can’t get what they need and $$ takes forever
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