Lovely, wonderful, skilled nurses of ITU, you are my tribe and I love you!
A request ...
We have a lot of new to ITU nurses/Nursing Associates/Health care assistants joining us at the moment to help with the surge.
They will be out of their element and anxious.
Be super kind!
New team, new environment, scary machines that beep a lot!
We've all been there.
New PPE routines, double-checking, uncomfortable ... oh how we know this|!
Some things I've found that have been welcome ...
New face ... say hi, ask their name!
Let them know they are welcome!
Let them know you WILL be there to support them.
Share where gear is kept, where the loos are, how breaks work in your unit.
Let them know you are open to any questions.
Let them know they WILL NOT have to do this alone!
Ask what concerns they have.
Check how they are doing.
Invite them to watch any "ITU" specific stuff you are doing. We may never expect them to do it, but familiarity will take away some of their anxiety.
These brave souls are outside of their experience, outside of their comfort zone.
We have all been there!
Tap into this and reach out with support.
Cherish these wonderful colleagues!
And stay safe yourselves!
You can follow @SamIAm_UK.
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