1: Dems won’t replace Biden, b/c they wouldn’t be able to make a good argument as to why the person in 2nd place (Bernie) shouldn’t be the nominee. Instead, they’ll make sure Biden picks a milquetoast woman, whose Also younger, for VP to soothe fears (re: his cognitive decline)
2: Dems do know— even if they don’t publicly say it— that Biden will lose in November. This, even with a milquetoast younger + woman VP. They’ll say the lesson afterwards (and what I’m already seeing) is that “only Democrats should run in Dem primary” + Russia. No lesson learned.
I’m not interested in who they blame for an election that they’ll lose.

I am interested in seeing those on the left who purport to have principles, call leaders out— especially when they have the platform + voice to, while working on a national progressive campaign.
While the político piece is informative— it’s also quite sad that these debates were internalised until/after they’ve failed #NOTMEUS; because multiple supporters called out the precise problems mentioned in the piece as overall hurting the movement.
You cannot claim to fight for us or the collective, when you remain silent (also known as complicit) when leadership is failing.

That would be more democratic— since people without did spend money + time for this campaign.

They did deserve that it fought for them.
We lose with Trump in the White House and with Biden there too.

That Biden cannot win and his platform which fundamentally offers nothing to the marginalised, poor and working class, should be embarrassing for all: Especially those who were complicit (see above)
& for the people who will get mad by this thread— Sanders can’t say that he “needs us” and “will need us” when he was in office—to pressure to enact change; yet, during the primary, didn’t listen to us and weakened his positioning ✌🏾
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