Going to make a rather obvious prediction: big business will be the fundamental beneficiary of all of this - and small business the fundamental loser. Despite the seemingly revolutionary state of affairs we’re about to enter capitalism’s end game: total Amazonification.
Think about all the small businesses who’ve already gone belly up, and consider how many more are yet to come. What happens with their ideas, their companies? These are not trust fund kids. The ones who are lucky to make it to the other side will get eaten up.
And then we just have big box world in every industry & in every town. Stepford world. It was already happening, this just sealed the deal.
That’s why it’s important to recognize that Trump is not the ultimate baddie. He’s a gross, disfigured characature of the American Id but the multinational corporations & big banks are the true drivers of this train. Trump is a lesion, but he is not the illness.
Case in point: corporate bailouts and money printing. Economics 101 has been destroyed. The only thing that matters is what the US and US corporations say money is - debt be damned. And everyone will go along with it, bc there’s too much consolidated power.
That’s why im leaning increasingly to thinking the response & result of this pandemic # was planned or at least allowed. It plays right into their hands. We already know governments covered it up, knew about it, and politicians benefited from it.
But what if it goes beyond the individual level? What if the seismic shift we’re experiencing was always part of the plan - it just took an event like this to kick it into gear? I wouldn’t call you crazy for suggesting it.
One final proof here: look at the stock market rise as 10+ million people filed. for unemployment. This is not a battle between the US & China or Globalists vs Nationalists. Those are distractions. The only battle - worldwide, now and forever - is the haves vs the have-nots.
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