Even with all the resources for learning screenwriting/TVwriting now avail, there doesn't seem to be a TVWriting 101 video showing writers how to break an episode of TV with cards. Pls direct me to one if I'm wrong so I can direct folks to it when asked.
And if there indeed isn't one, and someone out there who can reach writers who know what they're doing and wants to make one, LMK how I can support you. I'm starting to wonder if this might be a pretty simple instructional video that could save some effort and struggle.
I don't think it should be a secret or expensive to learn it. Nor do I think it's one size fits all. But sometimes when I'm mentoring or answering questions I'm wondering if having this basic vocabulary might be useful? I prefer to help people with several scripts, not beginners.
But at times, it seems like the process is obscured even for folks who have already spent a lot of elbow grease. When I teach my mock writers room for WIF and The Blacklist, it's often the entire room's 1st experience break down the break, not writing just from intuition.
Why not make it more accessible? Think it could give talent more of a chance to rise to the occasion?
Yay @GennHutchison & I are putting our heads together about this —on the other side of impending deadlines. More soon xx
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