since everybody seems to suddenly be realizing that squigglydigg is kind of a weirdo due to that lilo and stitch post, i would also like to point out that she plagiarized a bendy and the ink machine theory i wrote after the 5th chapter of the game was released. (cont.)
im aware that getting caught up in drama is generally inadvisable, but she has stolen from many others as well as me while building up her own brand. she was featured on a popular youtube channel to talk about "her" theory after this had occurred.
this isnt even mentioning the can of worms that is her thinly-veiled lgbtphobia and racism. even a quick glance at her personal tumblr account makes this fairly clear, with a special disdain for the idea of white/cishet privilege.
the only reason that ive written this thread is because this is a behavior pattern ive observed for several years without any signs of growth or improvement on her part. im far from the only person shes stolen from, and i hope that if you are a fan of hers, you reconsider. (fin.)
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