And now for everybodies favorite threads, me in character as Aurora!! (Highlights from tonight's session)

Dad: "Its not the dragon cult it's the cult of dragons! Get it right"

Me: "Are you going to share almost getting murdered by a cult?"
Rachael: "I dont think so"

Me: Rude.
Dad: Looks at Margo with initiative 8
Margo/Rachael: "I get to go before them?"
Dad: "Yeah my rolls are not off to a good start I'm saving my nat 20s for later"

Dad: "The kobold halfheartedly jabs at you and you don't even have to move"
Aurora: "It was a cute attempt"
Rachael: snaps
Me: snaps louder "I snapped louder than you :)"

Kobolds: throw spears after us
Margo: "I'm gonna throw my weapons at you!"
Aurora: "Smart."

Me: rolls nat 20 yet only deals 2 damage
Dad: "With a nat 20 it crumples to the floor"
Me: "Why are your toes so tiny? You got baby toes!"

Me: "I dunno I probably picked up a rock or something"
Dad: "Oo I like the stars! Oh, hairball!"

Me: "How many kobolds are left?"
Dad: "There are unlimited kobolds! There's just 4 standing in front of you"
Aurora: "The lady seems to know what's going on"
Rachael: "I know what's going on"
Me: "Yeah well I don't because you haven't told us about the crazy cult that tried to KILL YOU!"

Lady: "Let me grab my family"
Aurora: whispers "Don't die in the process" (we revived her once)
Margo: "Stupid Severen"
Me: "How many times are you gonna say that?"
Rachael: "A million!"

Dad: "The first cultist bails and the purple cloaked one yells 'TRAITOR!' ...then he bails as well"

Me: "More purple cloaked people?"
Dad: "Lots of purple cloaked"
Margo: "LOVELY."
Aurora: "Wait. I can't give him thumbs up because I don't have any thumbs!"
Margo: "Wait how'd you carry his spear?"
Aurora: "I DON'T KNOW D:"

Rachael: "I GOT A 6"
Me: "I GOT A 4 WAIT NO 6" high fives
Rachael: "Seveeeeen"
Me: "They're cult of dragons the dragons giving out orders but I dont know this because YOU HAVENT MENTIONED THE CULT"

Aurora: "Join our company join our company!"
Margo: unenthusiastic "woo."

Dad: "And one of with a purple robe"
Me: GASP "Your favorite people!"
Margo: "mMM-"
Dad: "I rolled 3 1s"
Collective: "NOOO :(" (it was to see which of the villagers made it into the Keep)
-The 1s turned out to be damage :)

Dad: "You're the little Keep Jesus!"

Me: "We got Robinhood we got Healer and we got DEATH."
Now for my chaotic Aurora highlights:

Governer: "What brings you here, especially on a day like this?"
Aurora: "DREEEEAMS also a tale— hey have you heard of the tale of the-" tells story of hatchery for the millionth time that day
Governer: "If I hear of anything you'll be one of the first to know-"
Aurora: "ONE OF??? No I want to be the FIRST!"
Governer: "Well technically I'D be the first to know-"
Aurora: "DARN IT"
Margo: mutter "Of course they would"
Aurora: "WHATS THAT?? You wanna say something louder to the room and finally tell us about the cult I dont know about because you havent TOLD ME???"

Aurora: "Can I interrupt him to run up to him and ask if HES heard the tale of the hatchery?"
Guard: "There's a passageway that everyones forgotten but me-"
Aurora: LOUD GASP "THAT'S where the hatchery is!!!!"

Margo: "Cuz I know things!"
Aurora: "You know about the dragon egg hatchery!!"
Margo: "NO I DO NOT"
As you can see Rora is chaotic energy all around and I love acting her out :)
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