Man why tf is #NerfAimAssist trending. I don't even play Fortnite but let me offer a quick solution. If you play on a controller, but you're switching to PC, how about you switch to the input of PC as well since you're technically stepping into the territory of the players (1/3)
who play on keyboards and mice. This way, everything can be skill-based and nothing has to be complained about getting nerfed. It's funny how most of the people who continue to argue this topic extremely are the ones who play with a controller on PC, where it's most OP. (2/3)
They use the "whole arm to aim" and "keybinds" arguments all the time, but then how about switching to that, so they can't complain? Keep console's AA since they actually need it, simple. If you're switching from console to PC, get like everyone else and use a keyboard and mouse.
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