I have a student who is writing (not trying to write, succeeding in writing) papers on his phone because he doesn't have a computer at home so maybe we should stop thinking assessment of work at this point makes any damn sense.

Stop grading. Give credit. Show grace.
(I bet the paper will kick ass, btw, he is incredibly bright and hard working)
Wow the response! The only thing I'd like to plug is that we don't HAVE to grade--it hurts learning, stifles creativity, and reduces #highered to checking boxes. Don't listen to me on it--read @Jessifer 's https://www.jessestommel.com/how-to-ungrade/ , which led me to try ungrading and it's amazing.
We don't have to just show grace and understanding and empathy to students in moments of crisis. They are people with full lives outside our classrooms, and we should be there to support, guide, nurture, and teach in ways that encourage growth, exploration and play.
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