1/Yesterday, I chatted with 4 men clustered under an eave. I'll share what I learned in order to
(a)energize #COVID19 #homeless responses &
(b)reinforce that we are connected - even as this pandemic virus highlights some of our societal fissures [Photo ethics at the end]
2/ #COVID19 will be more prevalent in #homeless pops (7x higher than general rate in Mass.) MANY will have no fever/cough,even though they may transmit to others who DO get sick. We SHOULD be testing (& safely sheltering) all who are homeless @jabarocas : https://www.wbur.org/commonhealth/2020/04/06/massachusetts-homeless-covid-19-coronavirus
3/So I got out of my car & chatted with 4 men. All > 40 years, 3> 60, 1> 70. Older age is KEY for medical risk. 2 were retired, on Medicare!
Insured but not protected.
Note: these men are white. But African-Americans are disproportionately affected by home loss (h/t @MKushel ).
4/I asked about going to a protective space, as my community is considering (a pop-up tent like Boston, @jessiegaeta). Two were instantly interested because they are worried about their HEALTH & SAFETY, as they should be. Our shelters are too crowded for #COVID19 safety
5/But these men also asked key questions: whether the protective spaces will be SAFE for them (so as to not catch #COVID19, or be subject to violence), and whether there will be adequate safeguards against THEFT. Optimal space should have a locked box for meds & documents
6/As part of the Birmingham response, under leadership of people like @drmarkewilson @DrEllenEaton #BhamStrong, I've helped in discussions around how such spaces would address addiction. We will have to ask up front if the client expects to go into withdrawal.
7/As a matter of projecting "how many extra/new" tent spaces will we need? The answer is it's hard to know. There is an estimating tool for all communities from credible scholars. I'm still trying to assess its pros and cons for my city https://tomhbyrne.shinyapps.io/covid19_homeless_dashboard/
8/Finally, ethics: These men were generous with their time & ideas. I paid them(mask + $20). I asked about the photo: whether to take it, or post it. They said "post it". I keep myself in the photo to avoid "otherizing". This was a meeting of 5 people in Birmingham.
9/I know that all the people who care about Birmingham and Jefferson County will continue in this, with splendid hearts &minds to guide us @randallwoodfin @drmarkewilson @DrEllenEaton @OneRoofBham @uabmedicine (esp. ID) @ChristHealth @UABSON @jcdhtweets @uabMHRC @SonyaHeathMD
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