like people don’t talk enough about the appropriating of trans identity just bc YoU dOnT BeLiEvE iN LaBeLs!!! Two different worlds hon
like people have told me that I’m gender queer bc I paint my nails and shave my legs ....,, like what?? people call me ‘he’ bc I have a dick it really isn’t deeper than that
and for many people, it IS more than that...but idk it just feels inappropriate to take on that identity bc you have both masculine and feminine qualities ...
no one wants to talk about how the ideal that we’re working for is when gender is so not a thing that gender identity isn’t a thing either ..... but so many people so loudly take advantage of trans identity (which comes from very legitimate gender dysphoria)
This isn’t about non binary people in general and definitely not about trans people .... y’all know the EXACT type this thread is aimed at .
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