Shabbat Shalom,
The 7 Feasts of the Lord all teach an aspect of the Jewish Messiah
Passover (pesach):was fulfilled through Yeshua's death. Historically:
Isreals deliverance out of Egyptian bondage(the world)
Spiritual application:repentance & trust by faith in Jesus shed blood
Unleavened bread (HaG HaMatzah)
Historical:The going out of Egypt
Fulfillment: Burial of Yeshua
Spiritual application:sanctfication & separation from evil revealed through water immersion(mikvah)
First fruits (Bikkurim)
Historical: crossing the red sea
Messianic fulfillment:Resurrection of Yeshua
Spiritual application;Walking (Halacha) in newness of life.
By Loving God through obedience by faith alone not of works lest any man ahould boast
Pentecost (Shavuot)
Historical:The giving of the Torah at mount Sinai( marriage vow)
Messianic Fulfillment: Pouring out of the Holy Spirit (Ruach Ha Kodesh) on Shavuot
Spiritual application:Immersion in the Holy Spirit & growing in faith(emunah) in God (making spiritual aliyah)
Shalom,so we have 4 of the 7 fullfilled through the Jewish Messiah. We as believers have been grafted into the commonwealth of Israel through the blood of Yeshua the Messiah of Israel, along with that adoption is included the covenants and the blessings. Shalom !
Shabbat Shalom, I would like to give honor 2 whom honor is due this thread was possible through a wonderfull book that im sure many of you have read...:)
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