#Politics #BernieSanders2020 #MediaMisinformation
A Thread:

Unfortunately, due to the spread of misinformation and false claims, many people believe that Sanders has dropped out of the race to become Democratic Nominee and President. THIS IS NOT THE CASE.
Bernie has not dropped out of the race, nor will he at all. Because of everything going on with COVID-19, he is just simply redirecting his campaign funds to help out against the virus, therefore suspending his campaign. He has no intention of dropping out.
This is all despite what the media actually wants you to believe. Most media outlets only report using half truths or false interpretations of what is actually happening- which is a bid to sway voters one way or another to candidates that will benefit
Corporations and the top 1 percent of the nation. @FoxNews is notorious with it's support over Republicans, as well as Democrats who are honestly just Republicans in disguise. Furthermore, most if not all politicians will purposely try to sway you in anyway that they can
Not to vote for progressive individuals. They fear what could happen if candidates like Bernie Sanders actually win the election. They prioritize their own greed and need for control rather than the wellbeing of the nation. They don't care about the people. PERIOD.
Other things to note is how Trump is currently handling the Coronavirus Pandemic. He doesn't truly care about the wellbeing of the American people. He just cares about how he can profit from it and use it to the benefit of staying in control.
That's hideously obvious and he doesn't do a good job of hiding his motivations. A tactic of his I've noticed is that he likes to lie constantly, or change his words just as a way to throw people off. You never know when he is actually speaking the truth, because he's always
throwing in lies to cover things up. He acts like a dictator with his excessive usage of Executive Orders (Which honestly there should've been a limit on how many a President should be able to make), and now just urging Governors to thank him for helping out, or only
helping specific states out if a republican senator, representative, or governor urges him to do so. He ignores Democratic leaders, and is now working up to potential censorship of news outlets like CNN if he gets cut off during his briefings.
But back to the point of this thread. Vote for @BernieSanders. When your state primary comes along, remember, he is still on the ballot. He has not dropped out of the race. And we can still win against Trump without it coming down to Trump and Biden.
Which between the two, Biden and Trump are equally bad choices. DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT let us down. November will be showing up in rapid time, and with everything on the line for this election, we must not falter.
If you are young, VOTE. This is important. If you are LGBTQ+, vote for BERNIE SANDERS. If you care for #MedicareForALL, then vote for BERNIE SANDERS. If you care for #workersrights, #equalrights, etc... VOTE FOR BERNIE.
Do not let this come down to two old, white, rapists that are in a decline with their health, struggling with things like dementia or NPD. Bernie is the best chance against Trump we have, and every corporate leader knows that. Every Republican knows that.
If Bernie Sanders becomes President, significant changes will be made to our Government and to our country. These are changes that Corporate America does not want. They will fight back with everything that they have. They don't care that our country
has fallen behind all the over 1st world nations. Canada has an amazing Healthcare system, many countries in Europe have an amazing Healthcare system. Proven that it works, but it wouldn't benefit the USA's Healthcare industry, because it exists to make profit at the expense of
human lives. You can be the change, don't let Corporate America brainwash you into falling into Donald Trump's trap of re-election. Don't let anyone convince you that Biden is better of a choice than Bernie, and don't believe the lies that the media spreads.
And here's just a general reminder to stay home if you can, and stay safe. Be alert, but not anxious. COVID-19 is a huge time for uncertainty, so if you need to, take breaks from media and so forth, to focus on your mental and physical health. End of thread.
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