Gay Christian Twitter, can you help? I'm talking to a precious gay (but very closeted) Christian teenager. He lives in a very conservative state and comes from a very conservative family and church. His faith community and his family are decidedly non-affirming.
He can't even imagine coming out and living freely. He's even contemplated conversion therapy. He's afraid. And I can't blame him. I remember being afraid too. And the truth is, it's not easy for people like him to come out, not even in 2020. It breaks my heart, but it's true.
What words can you offer him tonight? What hope and light can you share? I'll make sure he sees this thread and the replies. Please speak words of truth, grace, hope and light into his closet tonight. #FaithfullyLGBT #UnchangedLGBTQ ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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