i’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately, a lot to do with how i feel and the reasons why i feel that way.

it was hard to face, but the truth is i’m a negative person with negative traits, and they say the first step to getting better is admitting you have a problem. (1/2)
so i’ve decided to step back and take a good hard look at myself.

so i’m going to start a thread... it’s hard enough to admit my “ugly” traits to myself, let alone everyone else.. but admitting is healing, & the only way to let go of my negativity is to lay my flaws bare. (2/2)
it’s going to be a visual project. i’m sh*tting bricks. lol
a disclaimer before i start: i am doing this for myself. these traits do NOT define me. these are negative feelings i have SUBCONSCIOUSLY, & i am trying to become more aware of them because i NEVER intend to act on them.

^bc im 100% sure someone will use my feelings against me.
part 1: envy.

i’ve become envious. this is the premise of this project, the reason i’ve decided to reflect. i’ve found myself unable to be happy, blind to everything i have and everything i’ve accomplished because there is always someone who has more. i refuse to stay blind.
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