I just read through a thread and blocked a number of people. I have a policy, printed right on my profile page, that if you criticize either form of the Roman Rite, you earn an automatic block from me (that extends to any of the Eastern Rites as well).
I have nothing against the Extraordinary Form. I personally don’t know how to offer it, but I’d be open to learning. Some of the most fervent, devout people I know attend the TLM. But the primary deterrent to me learning to offer the TLM are other adherents to it.
When you get a picture of liturgical wackiness and put it forward as the norm, it lacks charity. When you call Catholics who worship in the Ordinary Form “non-Catholics,” “heretics,” “pagans,” “earth worshippers,” and these are the tame, G rated ones, you lack charity.
There are plenty of reverently celebrated ordinary form liturgies that respect the proper roles of ordained and lay, who follow the rubrics, who have an elevated understanding of the liturgy. I’ve reflected on these matters with many of my brother priests.
If you love the EF liturgy and would like to see it more widely available, STOP TRASHING THE ORDINARY FORM. I know literally dozens of priests in my circle of friends who are drawn to the EF Mass personally, because this attitude is so prevalent. They (we) want no part of it.
*but because this attitude is so prevalent, they (we) want no part of it.
In other words, your calling me a second rate priest, or suggesting that I wasn’t validly ordained, or implying that my Masses are all irreverent, that my preaching is all about butterflies and rainbows, calling me a heretic, etcetera, isn’t the best way to get me to your side.
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