TW: rape, sexual assault, reporting

Reminders & thoughts as #WhyIDidntReport gathers momentum again:
- it's okay to not share your experience. It's YOURS to share or not and you don't owe anyone anything
TW: discussion of sexual violence

- it's okay to mute the hashtag. It can feel like it's important to bear witness to ppl's vulnerability in coming forward, but it's also important to keep yourself safe. Especially in these extra weird/hard times. #WhyIDidntReport
TW: discussion of #WhyIDidntReport, sexual violence
- if you choose to share, you should feel empowered to do so! But recognizing it can be harmful for other, plz use the hashtag and/or TWs for all tweets (not just the 1st in a thread)
TW: rape, sexual violence
- nat'l stats show 1/4 women are victims/survivors of sexual assault in their lifetime, 1/7 or 1/9 men (different reports), 1/2 trans ppl. More than 1/2 of Indigenous women in US & Alaska. 9/10+ developmentally disabled ppl. Etc. #WhyIDidntReport
Depending on how the info was gathered for stats, ppl that didn't report WERE NOT COUNTED in those nat'l stats. The assumption is always that stats are too low bc of barriers to reporting (exasperated for many groups), but to see it so clearly is painful. #WhyIDidntReport
TW: discussion of rape, reporting
- someone using the hashtag doesn't mean they're over it/okay. Check in with each other
- someone using the hashtag isn't consenting to/doesn't owe anyone any amount of story/explanation/names. MYOB. #WhyIDidntReport
TW: rape, believing, #WhyIDidntReport
- this isn't a place for anyone to question the experiences being shared. Not only is that a gross thing to do, this isn't a court and you're not prosecuting or defending the victim/survivor. Your role is to believe and support them.
TW: rape, sexual violence, #WhyIDidntReport
- let's just take care of each other and be extra gentle with ourselves and each other
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