Side Story of 2015 HYYH On Stage.

On December 27th, the first day of BTS Concert in Kobe, BigHit announced the concert cancellation due to Suga and V's health condition.

Until a month later, Suga posted a long thread explaining his real condition regarding the last concert cancellation. He revealed his true feelings of failure cause of his not being able to perform. For the full story, we recommend you to read this thread: https://twitter.com/BTS_ARMY_INT/status/1039946297581686787?s=20
We didn't want to bring any sadness, especially for the New ARMYs who excited about BANGBANGCON next Saturday. But, we really think this kind of story needs to be read by each of you, to remind you that there's a long story which made BTS being BTS today😊💜
All those BTS's successes we could see today are not built in one night but amazing, consistent, dedicating bangtan and ARMY's hard work.

Let's continue to support our boy's hard work and happy together for a long time!!💜
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