i vibe checked the songs y’all give me and turned them into outfits:
Love Story - Taylor Swift- Somewhere between old-fashioned and timeless, soft and romantic
Even - Julien Baker - something more comfortable than anything else, something you can sink into and lay on the floor and stare at the ceiling
1922 - Box the Oxford- I don’t know how to explain it, I get like a soft british alt rock vibes. and for some reason, that led me here. I think it’s the houndstooth pattern that did it
Naked - Bickle - it’s funky, it’s fresh, I used it as an excuse to mix patterns and throw on my googly eye earrings
Wish You Were Sober - Conan Gray - I took the lyric about being 19 and acting 25 and ran with it. I think I nailed it tbh
Low Life - Kate Teague - the vibes of this? strike me as faking being unbothered but also clearly still trying to impress. overall very classy sound
Fuzzy Disco - Talkie - It’s funky, it’s fun, it’s got a bouncy movement to it so naturally that mean something funky that’s got movement to it
Youth - Daughter - This one is harder to explain bc the vibes I get are so nostalgic.. so 2012 indie so i went off of that
Love Forever - Babe Rainbow - So fun and summery!! had to go with the big bouncy and bright shirt obviously
Sweet Time - Raveena - how could i not go with the soft floral energy of the music video!!!!! so cute and fun and flouncy, very feminine
We Like to Party - Vengaboys - Nothing says I like to part quite like an entirely denim jumpsuit. I think this could definitely be improved with a feather boa tho
Nobody - Mitski - last one and my favorite one to do!! it’s vibing for yourself and by yourself and being lonely!! so red, black, suit.
this was fun thank u for giving me something to do LOL
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