give me a klance space au taking place only in the local solar system; from climate/war-ravaged Earth to the young civilization on Mars, to the old mining towns on the moon, the science stations on Europa, the outer colonies on Io and Ganymede and Pluto...
I'm going to 100% wing this, here it goes lmao. keith grew up on mars on the outskirts of civilization, orphaned by chance, and became the youngest fighter pilot ever for the martian military, just to escape the endless plains of red red red.
lance great up on earth, by the ocean, and became a pilot to see the rest of the solar system...but became a cargo pilot to help feed the family. It's not a glamorous job but hey, he gets to fly, and he didn't want to fly for the military because he's against the current war.
the war between earth and mars (over resources / other political nonsense but mostly resources).

there are typos already (great->grew lmao) but that's what happens when u ramble about nonsense right off the dome so pls forgive me, ANYWAY

klance meets in the most dramatic way possible because of course they do
lance is just going about his day, picking up and carrying a shipment from Ganymede to Europa, when suddenly his alarms go off; he's being tailed (no—RAPIDLY gained on) by a sleek martian fighter jet
he panics - remembers all the stories of corruption he's ever been told growing up about the martian military - and takes evasive action

of course, his cargo ship is no match for the technology, and its soon within firing range. but ... it doesn't fire yet
instead the ship hails his comm system. nervously, lance answers it.

keith's face appears onscreen, says, "I'll give you one chance to give up your cargo before I shoot."

lance looks back at the crates of fruit he's delivering to the scientists on europa like "uuhh.. ok??"
The martian soldier cuts off the comm and then his ship begins docking with lance's. But then, lance hears shuffling... & suddenly one of the crates bursts open and out pops...a girl

(It's pidge)

and she yells out, "no, you can't let him board or they'll kill us both!"
lance is shocked. aghast, even. But he understands all at once that he's taken on a stowaway who is wanted by the martian military and that is NOT a light crime.

"FUCK" he yells because its all he has time to yell really, because the soldier is almost finished docking now
he pulls a crowbar out from his toolbox and yells at pidge to get back in the crate, then positions himself by the door, cursing every god in every religion and hissing at pidge "you and me are having a CHAT if we live through the next 2 minutes"
Keith enters, and lance catches him properly off guard. There's a tense struggle but ultimately Keith has him outmatched when it comes to weapons and soon Keith has him pinned with a blaster pointed at his neck, and pidge bursts out from behind the crate to stop him
But then there's a weird moment of pure silence when Keith looks up at pidge.. and eventually theyre just like


They knew lowkey grew up together because of shiro and Matt

And pidge falls to her knees to hug him, and spills her whole story and conspiracy theory to him, while lance glares daggers at then both and throws in verbal jabs at keith

Keith is sold the moment she mentions shiro
Keith defects then and there, and lance has no choice but to think of a plan because now he has a fugitive stowaway and a renegade soldier standing in his ship. What a day
The only person who has a worse day than lance is hunk, who is just a simple man with simple wants who owns a restaurant on Ganymede, and wakes up one morning to find his good friend lance smiling sheepishly on his doorstep with a wanted fugitive and a martian deserter
Anyway I like space aus
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