So, now stores have a looping Social Distancing message on sound system, in addition to marked floors for where the cattle peasantry must stand, in addition to numerous Social Distancing signs and posters, in addition to shield and facial masks to distance themselves from us.
I don't like this new America.
I hate shopping now.
I am staying home because I don't enjoy being out. I go out only when we need supplies.
I'm not fearful of the virus.
I just don't enjoy this new world.
Or the paranoid hostile people in it.
May this reverse itself. SOON!
If they think that we'll be afraid and want government to save us- WRONG!
We want government to stay away from us!
GET OUT of our lives!
No vaccines, no marking us, no tracking us, no mandates, no house arrest.
In the 2 large counties near me, a total of 6 deaths.
That's it.
And testing positive in our area? About 150 cases total, across two counties, which includes a major city.
And yet, it gets more oppressive by the day.
What motive?
Not health.
Numbers have been stable for two days in a row.
Yet, the measures have been stepped up, not down.
It reminds me of when I was in Berlin, when I was 18 years old. It was a layover for a flight to W.Germany. It was stressful and scary, and I was alone. The airport was quiet, somber
I wasn't really afraid of violence, that wasn't it. It was like the place was "dead", eerie. Like the freedom and life was sucked out of the place and all that was left was a depressing oppressive world of silent submission. No one talked to each other. Very little eye contact.
I haven't been reminded of that feeling ever before. Until now. The way it feels to be in stores now, brings back that depressing memory of being alone in the Berlin airport, shortly before the fall of the wall.
That's my honest reaction.
It's what I feel.

And I feel sad for America.

May we turn this around very soon.
I believe that we will.

/end thread/
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