All right folks strap in! Its time to see what terrors await the Shadyside Tigers in the 2nd #FearStreet Cheerleaders novel...The Second Evil (hey I didn't name these).
In case you missed it, here's the thread for the first book:

And thanks to the magic of the internet I'll have the prequel, "The Awakening Evil", at some point as well so all the terrorized teen cheerleaders one can handle!
Quick recap - there be spoilers for Book 1 - Corky & her sister Bobbi move to #FearStreet from Missouri. After joining the cheerleader squad a freak car accident occurs unleashing an evil that's been buried for over a 100 years.

That's right Fear Family Shenanigans!
Bobbi and Jennifer are both dead, but Corky becomes best friends with the girls who hated her sister so much they were suspects in the murder investigation and vanquish the Evil back to the grave.

Or do they? Mwahahahaha #FearStreet
Right off the bat we got Name drops for Kimmy Bass (the girl who REALLY hated Bobbi) and Debra Kern (also really hated Bobbi) as well as Veronica "Ronnie" Mitchell...the one who was the second most likely to have killed Bobbi tbh #FearStreet
What's that you say? Who the hell is Veronica "Ronnie" Mitchell? Why she was Veronica "Ronnie" Carman in the first book! Somehow her name changed (and this is why we do the Name drops). #FearStreet
Name drop: Eric Bishop (student, dating Cari Taylor who was briefly mentioned in Book 1)

Yo folks don't shame Corky for grieving weirdly. I none of you remember the freaky shit that surrounded that death? #FearStreet
Name drop: Suki Thomas (student)
Name drop: Gary Brandt (also student, making out with Suki)
Name drop: Mrs. Bartlett (teacher)

I don't know if the teachers ever get full names...Miss Green didn't in the first book. Which I guess makes sense these are students #FearStreet
All right so Ronnie wants to make Corky forget about the evil spirit, admirable. But tacking on "and her sister's death" is tasteless.

SHENANIGANS that Debra can suddenly feel the evil spirit. Dafuq you were in Book 1? #FearStreet
I really wish we had an accurate map of how big the cemetery is. If its as old as and as big as the one I grew up next to, I have severe suspicions about how the bus skidded so far into the cemetery and only hit ONE gravestone. #FearStreet
Corky has insomnia induced hallucinations or its typical #FearStreet shenanigans. Honestly its a toss up. That said, the odds aren't in her favor of survival. Fear Street tends to decimate families.

Its why despite being only ONE street long new ones always appear to move in.
Creepy guy following terrified Corky in graveyard checks out tbh.

A "short game" in Mega Man II? Uhhh how quickly do your lives expire Sean?

how old is Sean? He was left home alone (parents went next door) less than a month after his older sister is horribly killed. #FearStreet
I appreciate the fact that Corky calls the girls out on their crappy attitudes when Bobbi was alive and that the girls admit they were wrong/envious/jealous. Doesn't make it right, but its NICE to see that kind of maturity in a teen pulp novel #FearStreet
The older #FearStreet novels tended to run the gamut of "engaging, genuine writing" to "omg Stine was high wasn't he?". In the Relaunch titles ( I was SO MAD bc its like they were watered down.
There was very little supernatural shenanigans (despite multiple Fear Family folks popping up), very little death (gruesome or otherwise) and very little to connect it to the original books beyond occasional nods long time readers would notice #FearStreet
In the "Return to" titles ( we get supernatural goings-on, Fear Family Shenanigans of the HIGHEST degree, murder, betrayal and some kinda awful deaths...but few engaging chars #FearStreet
In both their cases however the writing seems dated and overly reliant on jump-scares and overused tropes.

I didn't count, but mentally unhinged was a convenient shortcut for evil in at least three novels. #FearStreet
Meanwhile the characters never had a conversation like this where they calmly, if uncomfortably discuss issues.

If there wasn't an evil force running around this would practically be a friendship PSA for after school.

Sadly there is so gotta move that plot forward!

As readers we know Debra ain't wrong, but she's selling the story about as well as a kid saying his dog ate his homework. Debra has crossed from "quirky" into creepy maybe dangerous goth stereotype very quickly. #FearStreet
Of course Corky thinking you can bury a gods damned evil spirit has me worried for her logic skills.

I'm sorry Chip one failed date w/Bobbi does mean you "started going out". Also how ELSE do you expect your ex to react after bring together for 2 years. #FearStreet
In HS 2 years is practically a marriage (or it was when I was in HS, 20ish years ago). And as far as I remember we were not given a reason for it. And now you're going after Corky?

I'm with Kimmy, that's criminally awful. #FearStreet
I'm fairly sure Chip dies at some point though (unless I'm mixing him up with a different guy. I could be, non-main chars in #FearStreet tend to all be similar).
Chip was someone she could talk to about her sister Bobbi.

Is that bc he had a failed date with her and was once so concussed he couldn't tell the sky from the ground and kissed her?

Corky there's gotta be better guys out there. #FearStreet
LITERALLY OUT OF EVERYONE SHE COULD TELL, CHIP YOU SHOULD UNDERSTAND. Don't you remember the football game where you were a statue??

Uhh I may also be remembering this wrong, but I think at some point Sean (the little brother) is posessed? #FearStreet
Name drop: Mayra Barnes

I feel like that's a name I remember...oh! Yep she was the MC for "The Sleepwalker" book. Nice continuity AND nice call back.

Tho timeline wise...its November, so the first book was September...ok yeah it lines up #FearStreet
Also Name drop Dr. Sterne, who helped Mayra (I don't know if he was in the book though) and is now psycho-analyzing Corky.

Friends if you're very clearly PTSD suffering GF wants you to go to the cemetery...maybe don't. Especially not in Shadyside on #FearStreet
And 100% don't give in after she kisses you and say "what could go wrong?"

You sick of living Chip? Cause that's practically begging to die in a town that is very likely in Guinness for most unexplained deaths per capita. #FearStreet
we may never get the answer as to why Jennifer flying into a gravestone unleashed a buried Evil, but Corky is certain that same Evil is buried safely once more (clearly burying mattered less than hitting the gravestone!). But I can assure, Corky will think it, alot #FearStreet
We gonna leave it there bc my head hurts and I'm tired XD
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