Take a look at this tweet and this group you’ve not heard of whose sole activism seems to be selling $45 tee shirts.

Go through the responses. You’ll find only a few supportive tweets, almost exclusively from bot accounts. And yet, 45k likes? Seems strange, no? https://twitter.com/usclimatestrike/status/1248689563704442881
If you go to their website about us and try to find info on the organizers, this is what you see
So, more info, the group appears to be run by the 17 year old, ‘capitalist-hating’ daughter of Ilhan Omar. Seems even more suspicious now. A climate group no one has heard of, run by the 17 y.o daughter of a Sanders’ surrogate with no expertise in climate or politics?
Thanks to @RandyFcknSavage for bringing this to my attention. This is clearly NOT a legit activist group but another JusticeDems associated offshoot with a political agenda unrelated to climate.
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