This Easter is extremely special to me. I feel like this is my very first Easter celebrating What Christ did for me. Celebrating with a new understanding of the Gift given to me; with a knowledge that I felt once hidden from me. #Easter #hope
I grew up in a Christian home and gave myself to my families tradition of Christianity at a very young age. In all the years that I have celebrated this weekend I have never had this understanding. The unique Personal understanding...
I am saved by Grace and by Grace Alone.
Now that sounds like a basic Christian phrase that is preached in Most churches, but to understand and internalize that piece of knowledge is life altering and life Freeing. It was for me at least.
Bondage comes in many forms, do not believe or fall for the trick that you are too good or too smart to find yourself in bondage...
Also don't fall for the trick that you are too horrible of a person, or that you have too many addictions or too many personal issues to accept that The God who designed this world has a plan for your soul and for the life you are currently living. That is also a lie.
Grace is freeing and convicting, the perfect design from a God who loves and judges at the same time and equally. This Grace is completely Free to you and I. It doesn't require ANYTHING else, just truly accepting its existence in all areas of our life.
Jesus of Nazareth was a real person that lived an extraordinary life, which he gave up so we wouldn't have to suffer eternal death for our own sin. As big as they continue to be.
There are well over a thousand documented historical Facts about His(Jesus) existence, The miracles He preformed, His crucifixion and His Resurrection from the dead. Not to mention prophecies stating He would do the things He did thousands of years before they came to be.
All that Data points to one truth, He is the Messiah of our world and is the Son of God. This truth pushes us to ask one more question: Why Jesus?
Answer: because God Loved us so much that he Gave his only SON to die for those who would believe these truths.
if you connected with something said on this thread, DM me and let's talk. Even if you go to church and question your salvation or if you're looking for Help with something in your life. Going to a Sunday service or being a perfect human isn't going to "get you into heaven"
You can follow @Darthish86.
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