1. NIH recruiting up to 10,000 "healthy volunteers" for "SARS-COV2 Pandemic Serosurvey and Blood Sampling" study. #COVID19

Study info here:
https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04334954?term=NCT04334954.&draw=2&rank=1 https://twitter.com/NIH/status/1248748228511588352
2. Inclusion/exclusion criteria. I'm a little unclear if they are recruiting nationwide. If people are local to the NIH they will have blood drawn in person but there is mention of "home sampling" with a "Mitra®Home Blood Collection Kit".

3. Email contact for questions in the press release.
4. I just emailed the NIH to find out if I qualify. Will update this thread if I get more info.
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