Someday intelligence and law enforcement agencies will realize that general public privacy rules are the bedrock foundation that allows them to actually collect useful information.
If everyone became fully aware of how insanely far the online ad and social media industry operates beyond legal, ethical, moral, and acceptable standards, no user of any online platform would ever loosely discuss that totally illegal act they, or friends, did over some weekend.
Which means that very private direct 1-to-1 message, in which they discuss the event, **will_not_exist_anywhere** for police, federal agents, or intelligence collectors to find, request, subpoena, or otherwise obtain.
When AG Barr rails against encryption, he might as well be saying "The Russian criminal syndicate I'm trying to protect uses morons for grunt work and message sending. They need to understand that the US can read their texts and it's bad for all the treason criming we're doing."
Claiming that Law Enforcement being able to open encrypted messages will somehow enhance investigation powdr is both short sighted and not accurate.
Truth- if encryption backdoors are mandated, the REAL outcomes will be:

1. More crimes committed by insufficiently-resourced and/or low IQ people will be uncovered. This will lead to more law enforcement attention and roles devoted to focusing on **lower-level** crimes.
2. Fewer investigators and funds will be put toward catching the smarter, richer, and more-well-connected criminals and their exponentially more harmful networks of corruption that are actually responsible for the worst kinds of suffering, death, and destruction around the globe.
3. The regular civilian public will continually be made aware that Big Brother is watching.
Voices critical of government figures, international policy, or mega wealthy CEO god-emperors will hesitate and think twice before saying anything critical of the ruling class.
And if the average joe is feeling brave, and speaks without fear tyrants, he will never be able to know for certain that he is safe from reprisal. That is not freedom. There is no reasonable way to even begin pursuing happiness under those circumstances.
"Look at this," Captain Smith will say. "These numbers are fresh from the AI social ingestion feed. It turns out that most accounts mentioning 'SikkBeets4Reel_ChiTown' in private messages are from these 19 neighborhoods in Chicago."...
Junior Detective Johnson's eyes will light up. His mouth will suddenly fill with words and shoot back too fast for even his own tongue keep pace with.
"That's the username of the social media account claiming responsibility for seven homicides in the last twelve weeks!"
As the next spark skips across his synaptic flow, the now very animated rookie will recall what is known to the department about each of the unsolved slayings. His unrequested performance ends with, "And each happened at precisely 4:00am among those very neighborhoods. [silence]
As if crashing thunder, Chief Unspecifiedname suddenly banishes all sadness from the room.
"It is our job," the Chief boistrously booms, "to get this sick monster off the streets and give him a new concrete cell to call home!" Guttural cheers rise from all, without hesitation.
The next morning a memo goes out to the entire division. It reads...
"New Orders-
Our Infallible Eye 7.0.3 computer has determined the public is better served by increasing focusing on incidents of well-known violent crime..."
"... We can optimize our efforts and better spend taxpayer funds by implementing the following plan of action.

1. Drop all investigations into white-collar crime suspected to have been committed by anyone working toward the goals of any private company employing 900+ people..."
"...2. Re-assign everyone previously working one of those investigations to the new 'Handcuff-People-Who-Use-Words-In-Private-Conversations-That-Are-Similar-To-Words-Present-In-Reports-About-Crime" project.

3. Expand immunity rule to anyone almost resembling a Google employee."
Upon validating the nearly invisible cryptographic watermark overlaying the message, Agent Doe's e-brain firmware will download and execute the required update. There will be no option to think twice before doing so or delay for consideration.

All glory to Infallible Eye 7.0.3.
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