I am using one goddamned mask a shift and I am fucking lucky and FUCK TRUMP.
The thing that chaps my hide about these lies is that people believe them.

They really do.

My own parents parroted Fox news 'paid protestor' BS back to me when they knew I went to the 1st Women's March. And they knew I wasn't paid!
These are on-going attempts to dehumanize the people who care the most and who are in the heaviest crossfire by calling us liars.

I cannot express how much this viscerally hurts me and others who feel utterly abandoned by the government.
Thank God (who I don't believe in) that I live in California and that Gov Newsome apparently doesn't count me as an acceptable casuality.

But -- like -- how can you expect people to work under these conditions when the President is a liar?
Who apparently wants us to die?

How can anyone work like this? Like it's not hard enough just going in, like we wouldn't quit in an instant if we didn't have rent and bills?

Knowing we have to take care of people with incurable diseases that we might contract?

Saint fuck.
Every single member of the GOP should be calling their reps and hanging their head in shame that they had one iota of anything to do with this man being president.

And if you think my pain is funny or that I'm a liar, well, just wait, covid will eventually come to you, too.
I don't wish ill on anyone. Mostly because I'm selfish and I'd rather not care for your fool asses. I don't want to risk my life to take care of people who don't give a shit about mine. (See = not a hero.)

So I hope the covid skips your house, to use a timely phrasing.
But here's the thing.

I don't think it will.

And when I'm there, working in a sweaty iso outfit with a mask I'm lucky to get because of something your president did.

If I extubate you and you say one Fox news related thing.

You will wish you had a breathing tube in you again
Because I'll remind you -- with no small amount of cursing -- that your president would've put your sick ass on an ice floe and kicked you out to sea.
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