My day involved my IV infusion medication, abnormally high blood pressure, blood and urine tests, an ekg and a referral to a cardiologist because my ekg showed some result that I refuse to google because I don't need that stress.
I was assured by my doctor that the result is very common and that many people have it, but that a cardiologist reviewing and seeing me is a necessary precaution because a very low percentage of poeple with it can have problems.
I was also told that due to the coronavirus, it's actually really easy to get in to see the cardiologist right now, so I mean, there's a plus.
In other news, I tried out Stadia since it's free and we have google fiber, so I was curious. My review is that Destiny runs amazing, BUT apparently Stadia will only let you use 1080p resolution if you don't have a 4k monitor. so the game looks pretty rough.
Same with Gylt. I played a big portion of that game, and it just looks so washed out and blurry even if it's clearly running at 60fps. My 1440p monitor deserves better.
1080p really does show off the Stadia's compression artifact feature though!
^ this was sarcasm.
aaaaanyway, TL;DR I'm going to see a cardiologist and Stadia is just okay. weird combination of tweets here in this thread, but it's pretty on brand with me. The end. bye bye.
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