There is a really weird talking point on the far left right now that Biden would appoint Justices who are like Scalia and Thomas, based on the way he handled their nominations from the Judiciary Committee. Let me just say, if you honestly think that, you're being lied to.
People are citing Biden's vote for Scalia as evidence that he would nominate similar Justice. Folks, Scalia was approved 98-0. It was different time, when every Senator approved every nomination.
In more recent--and more relevant--evidence, let's see how Biden voted on Alito. Huh, he voted no. Funny that people aren't talking about that.
Then there's John Roberts, who easily cleared the Senate by 78-22. Huh, Biden voted no on him. What a right-wing tool!
I won't tell anyone how to vote in the upcoming election. But at least let's deal in facts. Biden has been a mainstream Democrat (for better or for worse) on judicial nominations for a long time. He'll appoint judges like Obama's, not Federalist Society members.
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