10 years ago i was living deep in the mountains of west virginia, was 1 month away from being adopted by a stray dog in the road, and like 3 months from becoming completely obsessed with inception, a movie i could not see because of the literal mountain between me & a cinema
i was consumed. i watched the trailer, repeatedly. i watched cast interviews. i probably watched the entire press tour?? i finally got to see it in the fall, when i visited family at the beach, a 6-day trip in which i went to the movies 5 times. twice for inception
then i went home and, lonely and isolated in a national forest, wrote reams of fic. i wrote so much fic, god. but weirdly i don’t think i read much?? nothing that stuck with me. ANYWAY. it’s 20-fucking-20, i’m isolated again, and all i’m doing rn is reading inception fic
all this to say, HOW DO I NOT OWN INCEPTION?? i am a person who buys movies it’s a thing i do and i didn’t buy this one??? what the hell
nevermind it’s on netflix crisis averted
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