so i was going to wait until i got a response from ca, but seeing as i havent AND ca liked sutton's tweet enjoy the following thread exposing the trash that is Rusten Godwin and Cheer Athletics
so to start this all off, remember on monday when all of crewcats were going off on anons bc we critiqued their shitty basing technique? yeah so to set the stage, mr. Holden Roll personally tagged me (for some reason) bc he wanted an anon to dm him to have a civil conversation
I only blacked out my personal for my own safety on this thread. I'm very comfortable with people knowing who I am, hence why I offered to dm him in the first place. I will not show the whole convo on here out of (little) respect for Holden, but I will send it in dms if requested
So Holden and I have an extremely long and semi productive conversation. This consisted of Crewcats sob story of a backstory as an excuse for their technique, me telling him straight up that people dont like CA bc of how they handle racism, and the importance of technique.
We also discussed the difference between constructive criticism and bullying, and how bullying is when it gets to a point of attacking who you are at your core that you cannot change, not critiquing a body position or positioning of bases.
He heard what I had to say, and I thought it was over until he mentioned that "not all big gym athletes are a-holes, but we sure will be one if we have to lol" which caused me to go on a long rant about how athletes treat anons. He listened, and shared how he feels.
I was very confident that our conversation was productive, and then he said the following. I was a little surprised but not shaken about him telling Crew who I am. What were they gonna do? come bully me in my mentions? after I told Holden about my history of being bullied?
That's exactly what happened. Rusten Godwin came into my personal dms and had some things to say. For some background, my Nana has kidney disease and is on the waiting list for a donor kidney. I have a link in my bio (also on this account) with more information.
So Rusten decided to use that piece of very sensitive information to degrade me and completely hurt my heart. Keep in mind, while speaking to Holden, I was never rude to him and we did talk about what is bullying and what is not.
After receiving this message I was so hurt because my Nana is so important to me, and he brought the situation BEYOND cheerleading. Who would do something like that?? Especially during a pandemic when she is at risk.
Also here are some of the things Rusten has said on the tl, some deleted some not
I felt enough is enough and decided to contact CA. I sent them a long email explaining the situation with a screenshot of the dm, and also left them a voicemail (in which my voice was very shaky because this had just happened and I was still very upset and anxious)
It took 24 hours but I did receive a call back from someone at CA on tuesday. She asked for some details about what happened (I guess she didn't read the email) so that the situation could be directed to the right person. She said I should get a response between 24-48 hours.
It's now been 3 days and I haven't heard from them, but I did notice that Rustin hasn't tweeted anything since Monday. Not sure if this is coincidence or not, but I wanted to give CA the benefit of the doubt and wait to hear back from them before tweeting all of this.
But since CA decided to publicly make their stance on anons by liking Sutton's tweet, (which by the way is very sad considering I know so many anons that cheer at ca, imagine having your gym publicly say they hate you... couldnt be me), I felt the need to bring this situation up.
I think that's all i've got to say, other than if you go to ca i feel sorry that you're roped into all this bullshit and you deserve better.
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