I will try to be as spoiler free as possible abt FF7R. At Wall Market with Aerith currently.

Combat is a mix of very fun and absolutely the most aggravating shit.

The level design isn't open world, but its not a drawback. It feels very reminiscent of the original because of it.
Music is a solid A-, only because there are tendencies of cinematic music being used that still really bother me.

As for music implementation, that's a solid A. Nearly seemless flow of combat state to static.

There's too much happening in the slums for me though.
And maybe that's intended for effect, idk. But there's NPC dialogue that is as loud as PC dialogue on top of dynamically changing music and SFX and all of these incredible visuals.

I'm not gonna pass judgement and say the game is better or worse for it, just that its... a lot.
I think that it really could have benefitted from some FF12 style gambits though. There's sometimes too much happening in certain fights. And even with only two characters it can still feel unmanageable.
I don't like Roche. I don't know where that storyline is leading yet, but I aggressively do not like that character and how they utilize him so far.
As for what I do like, aside from the music.

Visuals, oh my god. OH MY GOD.

I actually like all the main plot extra story bits, it really makes these people feel more human. Cloud is trying to establish himself and so a lot of time is spent there, which works well.
And if I recall, how everything zooms forward in the original to leaving midgar and follow Seph, I have a feeling its going to make that work fairly well.

End thread for now, I might pick it back up later.

But so far, really enjoying #FF7R
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