I’m #NeverBidenNeverTrump. Won’t sell my soul.
That said; someone convinced me there’s a major difference that makes Biden less bad:
Trump has charisma and arrogance to try to be a dictator. He has a cult.
Biden doesn’t.
I will never vote for either. I’m just thinking out loud.
Biden bros don’t worship Joe. They’re just afraid of change.
Both Trump and Biden suck. Both are evil. Both are corrupt and regressive rapecists.
However, Trump could be a dictator. Biden; just a corporate puppet.
I will do everything I can to make sure Biden’s not the nominee.
However, in terms of contingency plans, Biden winning is an awful scenario but Trump winning; literal fascism.

I want a revolution. We need a revolution. We need @BernieSanders.
Fight like hell for 1991!
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