Thread on trying to sort through media narratives and disinfo, from someone who was following the virus closely since January. So, there are multiple propaganda sources with different goals. I will try to paint a picture of what I see.
So, to start off, the Chinese covered up the virus (as per usual), which most likely escaped between 11/18/2019 & 12/11/2019 based on the active asymptomatic research by Dr Peng. While I believe the release was unintended (why release it next to your own lab?), the CCP decided to
weaponize the situation politically, and tied in their corona response with their geopolitical strategy of hoping to wait out Trump. So they stepped up their coverup to new heights. Violating every conceivable bio-treaty on earth sure helped their coverup motivation.
So this is the start of "it's just the flu". As I am fairly certain now, we are lucky they were still doing research, it is extremely infectious (100x-1000x 2003 SARS outbreak, fully asymptomatic transmission), with lots of complex complications we don't fully understand, beyond
just ace2. The r_0 numbers and mortality rates are massively skewed by lots of factors, and you should probably try to understand assumptions made for predictions (most were made with no effective medicine near the start). In the context of China, it is still far beyond WHO #'s
of ~3%. So the Chinese started destroying samples, imprisoning doctors and more. Around new years the leaks made it public, and ~Jan 18th it became international news (when I found out about it). They were downplaying the situation, telling people it was not transmissible between
humans, etc. They then blamed someone eating a bat, the US military, a Korean cult, and other countries for importing cases. With the unlocking of Wuhan and Honk Kong starting screening EVERYONE at the same exact time, it's clear that this is their next media narrative.
The Chinese shut down 10's of thousands of factories as long as possible, until reports of people starving to death in Wuhan started coming out. Then we got the back to work order from Xi (Which has more or less failed). They tried to maximize impact on markets to hurt Trump's
election chances. Another piece of evidence that it wasn't released intentionally but weaponized by the CCP, is that it's too easy for Trump to blame any economic problem on the Chinese. Why not give it to someone and have them hop on a flight or something? Due to a combination
of problems in China, the virus was "let" spread for weeks by some in leadership, but at a local level not so much. They just didn't really know, so it spread for weeks. We're talking ~200k infected in Wuhan by Feb 1st. The Wuhan lockdown IMO was real and necessary for them.
After sending in the PLA on Jan 22/23rd, millions panicked and fled. My opinion is that the world governments simply chose to play along with WHO/China's narrative after seeing what happened there. That's why our media uncritically parroted their numbers. I thought we should
shut down air travel in January if I was right, but I thought it was more deadly at the time, so Trump's actions in February seem very reasonable to me. So we have the CCP trying to convince the world this is a nothing burger, please don't blame us. The chaos in Iran is not to
drive up the fear - these governments are trying to suppress it. Now this leads us to the American outbreak. There is lots of wrong information floating around. We all know there are lots of liars and fake posts on the internet - it's too easy to grab something then hammer in
your opinion. First off, some are saying that they are swapping other illnesses for covid-19 deaths. This is simply not true at a large scale systemic level. With NY being the exception, the numbers for all of that stuff won't be compiled into 1 place for
several months! The numbers just aren't in. & In NY where there is fast data, the average daily deaths compared to prior years matches the covid-19 reporting. That isn't to say that there wouldn't be a concerted effort to drum up as much Federal Aid as possible, that is to be
expected. For people criticizing how things are being categorized - it's just silly. They are doing the best they can despite any single case you want to point to. It's the same for the flu - it's always been a grey area. If someone would die in a few months from Cancer, did the
flu kill them? It's the same type of issue. The virus seems to be downregulating the immune system (to what degree I am unsure), so it's always going to be a tough call. Next, people are talking about empty hospitals, or fake overcapacity. This is mostly nonsense. Wuhan in Jan is
exhibit A on what NOT to do. So hospitals limited non essential services & stopped people who didn't need to be there from being there. This happened in my own state shortly after our first case. Any given hospital may be overwhelmed suddenly. That does NOT mean it will be
consistent. It may only be for a day. This is why the government set up a system to rapidly divert resources to where they are needed (hot zones). Now I want to touch on "predictions/graphs". I would just say that most people haven't really scrutinized them properly. For any
given prediction, did you find out the assumptions they were working with? If they don't have them, it's probably a BS prediction. But I do believe some are in fact fairly accurate when you account for the assumptions. For example, lots of infection/death charts were made on the
assumption we will not have a cheap, effective treatment. Are the graphs really that wrong when you take things like a massive global shutdown to stop the spread? Are you RELLY certain of how infectious it is? Lastly, the Democrats narrative is NOT representative of realty. They
are playing both sides to attack Trump. If Trump does anything to stop the virus, he is xenophobic towards China, overreacting, making bad decisions, not considering economic impacts, etc etc. If he does nothing, they will say he doesn't care & is inept w/ blood on his hands.
Hope this thread can help people see reality more clearly. I'm not here to tell you whether any virus response is appropriate or anything like that.
@Timdedicated @SidtheKidd87 @VeritasVital hi just my thread on virus media narratives if you are interested =)
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