In a few months, I've watched racism/xenophobia in China go from signs saying, "No blacks/Africans/foreigners allowed." To this: Africans are being barred from not only supermarkets, stores, & hotels, but medical treatment refused even to pregnant women.
There are Africans sleeping on the cold ground bc they've been kicked out of Apartments they've paid rent for & had passports seized! A narrative that ALL Africans are virus carriers is being spun so now they're facing discrimination just like during Ebola
Political cartoons going viral on Weibo calling Africans/black people "foreign trash" throwing them into dumpsters. The gov is going around testing foreigners (BUT ONLY AFRICAN foreigners) 🤔 But Who knows what they're doing to these ppl? They could be Infecting them with it.
Watch this YouTube Video: Lovelyti2002 does an incredible job of compiling the information & explaining it all. She was discussing the virus before most media would & know she's discussing this because no one else will. This is so sad to see.
And apparently there's also videos of people being physically attacked for being foreigners. No one should be treated unfairly like this. I was mad seeing Asian people wrongly subjected to xenophobia/racism due to this virus & I'm mad seeing African people experiencing it too.
Why are they're no major news outlets/health organizations talking about this? This has been brewing for a minute. Speak up about this! Please condemn this. It's not okay. Why are y'all afraid to? @ABC @CNN @FoxNews
@nytimes @nypost @TheAtlantic
@WSJ @WHO @CDCgov @DrTedros
It's getting crazier. They done banned ALL BLACK people from McDonald's at a location in China. Continuing to spin this narrative & use Black ppl as a scapegoat for this virus. It's disturbing & racist. Yet, It feels like the world doesn't care tho. Sad.
Another addition to this thread...literally attempting to murder Africans/Blacks because of the racist scapegoating of blacks as coronavirus carriers. A Chinese captain threw two Tanzanians into shark infested waters to leave them to die. :(
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