I hate getting too dark on sm, but hearing Trudeau say we'll be stuck inside for another year my only thought was "I guess I'm dying in here then cause I can't do that, I will kill myself."
I've been insanely lonely, my sleep schedule is incredibly fucked up, I have no motivation or energy to do anything, and I really do have it in my head noone wants to talk to me and noone will care if I die in here.
I'm also incredibly petrified with fear because my dad has COPD so he's high risk for this virus. I'm also terrified of not having a job to go back to as I'm terrified that there wont be a shop to go back to unless the gov cancels rent for small business
I also feel incredibly guilty because I'm not making masks to help with frontline workers, and even though I could I legit have no energy to do so. I don't know why I'm making this thread, I guess I just needed to put it out there somewhere even if noone is listening
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