How would you handle your family treating your partner poorly?
How would you want your partner to handle you being treated poorly by their family?
How much say do you think a grandparent should have in a grandchild’s life?
Would you raise one of your siblings children if they were unable?
If your partner wasn’t ok with adopting one of your siblings children and the child was going to go into the system how would that affect your relationship?
Who comes first your partner or your children?
If you and your partner passed away who would you want to raise your children?
If you had to become a single parent do you think you have the support of your family?
Could you spend your life with someone that didn’t share your faith?
Could you spend your life with someone outside of your culture?
How important is it to you that your partner is successful financially ?
What type of person do you want to have children with?
What would you do if you found out your partner was hiding a drinking or drug problem?
Do you need to make all the choices or do you feel better when someone is making choices for you?
Could you stay with someone if you knew you were not their first priority?
If your new partner had a child and your family did not accept the child how would you handle it?
How would you handle your partners unemployed sibling coming to live with both of you fo an extended period of time?
Would you let your partners parents come live with you?
How would you handle a sibling wanting to be with your ex?
Would you look at your partner differently if you found out they had previously been with a member of the same sex.
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