My aunt is a nurse in a private hospital. Found out today that she's been seconded to the NHS and, since she's an airway specialist she's gonna be in ITU.
She has a 17yo and a 14yo at home. She's a single mum. The kids dad is a paramedic.
Please, people, stay at home!
We're having a family zoom chat tomorrow night and she's gonna fill us in on what she knows.
I've been terrified for weeks, but this is a whole new level of fear.
My aunt is an incredible person, she's funny, goofy, and so loyal and loving.
And she's gonna be risking her health/life and the health/lives of my two young cousins to help fight covid-19.
I've been feeling a way about the clapping on Thursdays for the NHS.
And when I got this news tonight it solidified why...
Standing on the doorstep clapping does nothing to ensure that appropriate PPE is available. It does nothing to ensure that the NHS is properly funded.
It's performativity at its most obvious.
You wanna do something for the nurses, doctors etc?

And hold our government to account for the irresponsible response to the crisis and for YEARS of chronic underfunding. Hold them accountable for the racist immigration controls that would/have impacted on NHS staffing.
You can follow @PsychED_Claire.
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