Sometimes I get lucky, interview great candidates and get super excited. Other times it can be depressing and worries me that game programming is a lost art. Too many people with Computer Science bachelors or Game Degrees don't have the required technical knowledge. 1/8
While it can feel difficult to break into the gaming industry. I wish it was easier to find qualified engineers. Too many people apply for programming positions claiming c++ experience but haven't touched it since school because their current job doesn't require it. 2/8
Too many applicants fail to remember that you must practice your craft. A job does not teach you to program, it builds your experience and skills. 3/8
Remember the purpose of college is to teach you how to learn, not to teach you everything you need to know. You must further invest in yourself. 4/8
Too many are asking for a chance however they put forward minimal effort. Submitting a resume or attending a class is not the required effort, they are just the basics. Build something that shows you are motivated, write code. #Dosomething #BePassionate #PracticeYourCraft 5/8
If you want to be a programmer, don't show me an Unreal or Unity demo that required no coding. I don't care that you can use a GUI, that is not the job. Rather prepare to discuss how engines are assembled. Understand the position you want and prepare for it. 6/8
Be an A-Player. I don't define this by experience, knowledge or skill set. This is a motivated mental state where all of the rest will naturally follow. You don't even need a job, prepare, learn, focus and do something. A-Players will always find jobs and success. 7/8
If you have read this far I'm impressed. This is information that I feel I have learned over the years. Information that I stress to my kids, Information that I hope is not new. Information I hope helps you! 8/8
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