I hope through Media pressure and sheep mentality I hope Australia doesn’t blow what represents as our opportunity to take advantage of #COVID19

We don’t need to be the biggest in man in the room

We need to be the SMARTEST!Thread...
We need a clear head going forward. But first we need to change our Globalised approach and put Australians first.

With America, Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong all China’s biggest trading partners trying to pull away from China this represents massive opportunities...
First Energy ~

Our sheep mentality has landed us signing the Paris Agreement. This has buckled our economy. We need to utilise our resources and use gas, coal or nuclear energy. We need reliable cheap power. Without that we can’t compete. Renewable subsidies must be scrapped.
Agriculture ~

This could be the big game changer. But we aren’t capturing the water needed to bring this new Agriculture market in. China imports 38 billion in soy beans alone. This would have to be done on massive scale.
China needs our primary production of grains, beef, lamb, minerals..

We CAN NOT continue to allow them to buy out our prime land and businesses. This also goes for Saudi Arabia and the other countries buying out Australia.

If the world wants our produce they can buy it off us!
We must also take advantage of the country’s that pull away from China. We can take up the slack.

If this is to become reality we need to clear our red tape that’s taking millions from projects before they get to the starting line.

New opportunities will come..
But we should concentrate on our strengths.

Obviously we need to improve medical supplies but opening up Australia as a manufacturing giant will be wasted direction.

Hopefully we have woken up to Green socialist ideology and realised how vulnerable we have let ourselves!
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