House tour! Actually I just have two rooms because I can't pay my 300k loan but well...xD So the first room here is my bedroom. I'm not 100% sure about my aestethic but I tried do do something cute and cozy! The room has 4 corners with different priorities.
1.Pic:A corner to dress myself, put on some makeup and to stay fresh. The workbench already leads to the...
2.Pic:A corner for my hobbies like crafting and sewing!
3.Pic:A corner for my cats with a cat tree and also for my snail Gary.
4.Pic:Basically where I sleep..
The second room is going to be a kitchen which is still a wip! I need some more kitchen utensils and also a better wallpaper and flooring! Oh and imagine the fridge on the second pic red!! ♡ I'll add more to this thread later on when I get more rooms and stuff! ♡
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