Here's why we should #SaveThePostOffice:

The Postal Act of 1792 (signed into law by George Washington) made the decision that the post office would serve every community regardless of costs.
Tocqueville said that American post office made our democracy possible. Loggers in Michigan knew what was going on in DC and could participate thanks to the Post office's Democratic structure (every community treated equally; newspapers subsidized)
Post Office has always been able to shift and change as technology shifted and changed: pony express, airmail, banking by mail, postal savings accounts, stamps as war savings bonds, etc, etc, etc
Then the "privatize everything" right came for it and it was strapped and saddled with debt--2006 Bill made it impossible for post office to innovate or offer any new products AND they had to pre-fund their pensions for 75 years out
That's what began the financial downward spiral--NOT natural innovation. Innovation had come for it before and the USPS had been able to adapt and thrive. But the whole point of GOP policy toward the Post has been to cut it up and sell it off.
It is not an inefficient and bloated agency as some like to claim--definitely no more than United or Boeing or name your other bailout recipient. It gets mail every single day to every single community--which is more than you can say for any other private business
Even Amazon and UPS have to use USPS to get to certain places. And guess what happens when USPS becomes private? You think UPS is going to waste money sending trucks for that one house in rural Michigan? Dream on!
The Post Office should not only be saved, but it should be freed of the ridiculous bind that it can no longer innovate and adapt. Can you even imagine if there were laws saying businesses couldn't innovate and adapt? This is America! No way.
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