Another antiviral drug with the same mechanism of action ( #galidesivir) is also being studied in a well designed, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial.

The scientists are ON it.😃

#COVID19 #coronavirus
MORE on #galidesivir: it showed preclinical activity against #SARS (closely related to the #coronavirus), #Ebola and other deadly viruses.

I worked for YEARS on #galidesivir, and now it's being studied in a clinical trial of #COVID19 patients.👩🏼‍⚕️💉
#Favipiravir: a 3rd drug that works similarly to #remdesivir and #galidesivir showed efficacy against #COVID19.

The drugs block the virus’ ability to make RNA copies needed for new viral particles, so it’s plausible they'll work against #coronavirus.🤞🏼
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