You want to send anyone on enforced furlough send the rozzers on furlough.
There are a number of professions that are demonstrating themselves to be worse than superfluous through this crisis and the Police is very near the top of the list.
Every day on my way to amd from work I see people managing to more or less adhere to guidelines when they're e.g. trying to get into the shops or using ATM machines, and in not a single instance have they needed the cops to enforce it on them.
Pretty sure all their idiotic, borderline criminal twitter announcements and all those videos showing them pretending to enforce invented "rules" are a desperate attempt by them, conscious or otherwise, to prove they're still needed.
Others on the list:
1. Journalists. Proving once and for all it's not a profession, it's a personality disorder. Decades spent "reporting" celebrity gossip has left the whole corporate body of them utterly incapable of a single critical thought, let alone question, in their +
collective skull.
2. Politicians. I reckon as late as the 1970s you'd get promotion in politics only as a result of demonstrating some genuine intellectual and, more importantly, organisational skill (in the sense of political organisation, whether party or electorate based). Now all you need +
is a face that fits and a demonstrated ability a) not to be dead, and b) to be able to evade or deflect criticism/difficult questions. The ability to stage manage, and a face that fits. On top of that, we've seen ministers, up to and including the Prime Minister, totally absent +
with barely any detrimental effect on the functioning of government (the fact they're miserably failing to deal with the crisis isn't because senior people are missing, it's by design—"herd immunity").
3. Anyone in a senior role in NHS England or Public Health England (or Wales, Scotland, N. Ireland equivalents), anyone in an official role in a CCG. These are the hypocrites whose social media profiles scream more than any others how "proud" they are of "our NHS", they've got +
every damn imaginable NHS hashtag going, they keep posting trash about "our wonderful NHS frontline staff", "our wonderful GPs" etc etc, while they've spent the entire time since Blair vandalising the system, forcing those who work in it into ever worse working conditions, +
ever greater workloads, on ever-diminshing budgets; they've transformed a system that was once concerned with "looking after the nation's health" into a lifestyle advice service for the well-off, and well-educated. And they're all enthusiastic clappers.
Every single one of these scumbags is working from home, by the way. And every question you ask them about e.g. PPE is answered with some variation of "it is what it is" or "it's what's been approved for use".
People who work in "commissioning" should be forcibly interned in one of the "Red sites" they've been building across the country. There's no NHS left worthy of the name largely thanks to them. Any leftist group or party that thinks "defend the NHS" is a useful or meaningful +
slogan any more just has not got a clue. People on the left need to *start* making the case for building a proper socialised healthcare system almost from scratch now.
Oh, and abolish the CQC too, they're nothing more than an attack dog for NHS England.
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