You went and got @SweetBeans99’s kofi shut down
People threatened to come to @scumbelievable’s town & physically assault her
The lady who wrote attack helicopter attempted suicide
@kmclaude has faced death threats.
Trans artists are being attacked and you need to face up to it
I don’t want to hear excuses, I don’t want to hear how this behaviour is fine really. It isn’t. This is not ok, this is rooted in transphobia, puritanical thinking and hatred. When you attack trans artists you are anttackingg anvulnerable trans person, the are a real person
When you lash out at then you are hurting a real person. When you take away a trans persons income they have to face the idea of homelessness, do you know how dangerous and scary that is for trans people? When you threaten to beat us up, that is real to us, that’s our reality
I am serious, if you are trans or queer yourself, and you do this shit, what are you doing? What’s going on with you? Do you have trans parent or sibling figures? Cos someone needs to be fucking raising you to behave with respect and compassion to your queer family
I worry so much that we have a generation of puritanical, angry, hurting young queer and trans folk growing up with no elders, no guiding hands, no connection to their history and they are lashing out at people for not being perfect or not being what they understand
If I ever caught my little brother behaving like some of these kids do I’d sit them down and give them a long talk about compassion and not hurting other people who are hurting to deal with your pain. Empathy, please learn empathy with your peers
Look all we have is each other, and if you push yourself away from others you make yourself vulnerable, and if you cut another off from their support well, you could very well be giving them a death sentence, you don’t have to fight people you can just walk to another room
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