1. 28,000 news media workers gone since the pandemic. There is a crisis of the free press, and it is directly a result of the monopoly of advertising by Google and Facebook. Today, we are re-launching our coalition, Freedom from Facebook and Google. https://www.freedomfromfacebookandgoogle.com/  https://twitter.com/marcatracy/status/1248699507795263495
3. I co-authored a paper with @ZephyrTeachout and @sarahmillerdc on precisely what to do to end the monopolization of ad revenue by big tech and move it back to journalism. https://twitter.com/econliberties/status/1248720328798490631
5. Schmidt says that big tech has realized they have a “moral responsibility” to ensure public safety by censoring speech. Structuring speech norms is what the public should do, not private monopolies.
7. The ex-CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, offered the creepiest quote about why consolidated power over advertising and media is good: “There was this belief 10 years ago that it was okay to have open networks and have free speech from anyone, including idiots."
8. Our new paper describes what Google and Facebook are, how they emerged from a specific libertarian legal framework that also produced big corporate media systems, and how to break them up and reorganize advertising markets to support democracy. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5df44e0792ff6a63789b5c02/t/5e90c1f1f177386f95c33662/1586545139529/Working+Paper+Series+on+Corporate+Power_2.pdf
9. The goal isn't to save any particular newspaper, and it's certainly not to save private equity goons who asset strip. The goal is to ensure that advertising revenue supports newsgathering, as it has for 200+ years, instead of misinformation and private jets in Palo Alto.
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