So now that we’re shutting down and really (hopefully really) flattening the curve, what next? Having realized that people are listening to what I have to say, I feel a responsibility to check and double check any information or ideas I post. (Thread).
Today, I asked a public health scientist what she thought. I told her “There’s no way we do this until we get a vaccine, right? So when do we venture out again and what has to be in place to make that safe?” Everyone is taking this one step at a time 2/7
and no one claims to predict the future, which is sort of what I was asking her to do. First, it’s important to recognize that we’re doing what we’re supposed to and it’s starting to work, so we must keep it up for now. 3/7
But she described a goal of testing, both virus & antibody testing. There will be a point where a significant # of people have developed immunity. There will also be a time, hopefully in the near future, when COVID19 tests are more plentiful and can produce quicker results. 4/7
These elements will be key for the next step that we all want to see. That gave me comfort. I hope it gives you comfort too. I practice faith in every aspect of my life and I don’t have to see the whole path because I have faith that it is there, 5/7
but I always want to know what the next stone on that path will look like. Widespread testing is the next stone on our path to returning to normal. If you pray (and like to pray specific prayers as I do), testing development and availability is a good one to focus on. 6/7
We’re going to get through this, friends. We’re staying home and doing well at flattening he curve. Let’s keep it up and have faith that the next stone on our path will be ready for us soon. 7/7
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