i've had people reach out recently telling me they respect that even though i'm older i continue to love Len so i think i'll speak more about it. firstly: you aren't going to wake up one day and think "this doesn't bring me happiness anymore." it doesn't happen. what makes you
happy age 16 is likely to make you happy age 20. maybe you went through something rough as a child and Miku's voice got you through it. you are never going to reach a point where you think "this brings me zero joy now that i woke up and i'm 21." i understand most people
lose that intense kind of attachment at a certain age. but guess what? if you have even a "normal" interest in Vocaloid the rest of society thinks you're a fucking freak to begin with. Spanish paper wrote entire articles calling people who pay to see Miku live losers. To 99% of
people if you like Vocaloid, you are weird already. if you're someone who is "casual" about Vocaloid and looks down on those with a more intense attachment i'm sorry to tell you, you're much closer on the spectrum to someone like me than the average person the street. maybe by
judging others for how invested they are in a character it makes you feel better about yourself. after all, all freaks feel a need to make themselves feel superior to other freaks. but in the eyes of society you're down here with the rest of us. so what if you are someone who
DOES carry the intense attachment into adulthood? in a world as cruel as this i really believe you have to seize happiness where you can find it. there are people who live every day in misery. the biggest things happen in their life and they still feel nothing inside. can you
imagine having such a gift that this drawing, this cluster of pixels, fills your heart with happiness every day? you have access to an infinite source of happiness. its completely free too! and this source of happiness is with you at all times, everywhere. through every difficult
moment. so many people will never in their entire life experience something as powerful as this. why would you ever let it go? the world is such a cruel place. for those of us that have seen how cruel it can get, why would you allow some random person to take happiness from you?
you're hurting no one. is it weird as fuck to be an adult who is this attached to a fictional character? of course. is it also weird as fuck to spend $$$ going to football matches every week and literally fighting people for a team of men who dont know you exist? YES. the point
is most people are fuckin weird in some way. follow what makes you happy. i will love Len with my full heart until the end and i mean it. i will literally be an 80 year old woman going to Mirai and screaming for Len. because i will grab all the happiness i can in a world lke this
people can say "omg shes old af and she has a crush on Len?! what a freak" because its true. i am a freak. but i have absolutely no problem with being one. its a small price to pay to have every bad day wiped away by something as small and harmless as a cartoon boy
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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