This is *way* too defeatist, particularly given that any administration is going to have to deal with a profoundly unsettled political economy in 2021.
I think there’s a general—and not unfair—assumption that a Biden presidency is a return to the sclerotic Obama-era status quo, but... that’s not actually how history works!
You couldn’t just hit the reset button in 1933 and be back in 1926.
I’d also add that Biden—for all of his many, *many* faults—is fundamentally a transactionalist. Meaning that he’s about delivering to the constituencies that vote for him.
There’s a hard limit to this—he’s not going to cross his donors for anyone, and he’s not gonna listen to young people over the olds because his power base is with the latter.

But he can be moved. And the worsening crisis provides opportunities to do so.
I certainly don’t think the left should automatically rally around him—all of the leverage we have, such as it is, would be lost with such a move, *especially* now.
But—especially with things as fluid as they are now—it also doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to simply concede defeat.
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