Hello! Welcome to the twitter for BNHA: The Musical!

This thread will be updated with FAQ and forms!
🎶 FAQ🎶

1. What is a bang? - A bang is a fandom wide event in which artists and writers collaborate on a piece. On a specific day, the pieces will be posted to social media.
2. What’s the theme for this bang? - The theme is music! Writers and artists will collab on a song/music video and create content centered around that specific song/music video.
3. Is it focused on a specific pair/ship? - NOPE! Ship away! Whether it’s our beloved ships or a rarepair, you’re free to write for whoever!

4. Are minors allowed? - No. This is a bang dedicated solely to adult (18+) content creators.
5. Why are minors NOT allowed? - Content creators will have the choice to be NSFW. Responsible adults do not want to subject minors to NSFW content.

6. How will you ensure the space is adult only? - Once you apply for the bang, you will be vetted (checking accounts) to ensure +
that you aren’t under 18. We will do our best to make sure that the space is adult only.

7. We have to apply?! - Yes. The “application” process is just you signing up! No one gets rejected in a bang ^_^
8. Can we do more than one piece? - In order to make sure no one is overworked, we will limit content creators to one piece. In the event someone drops out, we will have the option for “pinch hitters”. That role will be for an artist/writer who can take up the slack.
9. Can we write about any kink? - Sure! As long as you use the proper CW’s/TW’s!
10. What can we NOT write about? The hard “no’s” are any content that’s racist, homophobic, and transphobic.

11. So can we do underage, noncon, dubcon, gore, and/or violence? - Sure! As long as it comes with the appropriate CW’s/TW’s. If you’re uncertain if your material is +
“appropriate”, please reach out to the Mods and we’ll be happy to give you guidance and assistance!
12. Can we genderbend?! - GO NUTS!

13. What about making characters transgender? - We ask that if you do, you write about the characters in a way that is not offensive, harmful, fetishizing, or stereotypical.
14. When will the bang be available? - Hopefully soon! Keep an eye out for updates!
You can follow @BNHATheMusical.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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